Very productive day’s work after LEADS and BDVA workshop, which consisted of almost 40 attendees from a variety of backgrounds. The event, entitled ‘Tech Adoption Scenarios for Data and AI 2030’, was kicked off by Ernestina Menasalvas, welcoming the participants and giving her thoughts on the workshop, before Brendan Rowan provided context by going into some high-level details on the LeADS project, including some interesting specificities such as the demand mapping process. This was bolstered by the contributions of @Leonardo Freitas, who went into further detail on the idea of the market scenarios, as well as the key skills and use cases relevant to the workshop.
Next up was the interactive section of the workshop, coordinated by Sam Jones and built on Miro software. The first session looked first at a list of use cases, generated by IDC, and their link to the relevant skills in the AI and Data sphere. The second session shifted the focus slightly, looking at the factors influencing the adoption of technologies, and evaluating the accuracy and probability of a set of pre-determined hypotheses. After convening to present the results of the second session, participants rejoined the breakout rooms to look at the effects of the aforementioned factors on the skills pockets identified by the LeADS project.
Overall, in terms of attendance, engagement and activity, the workshop was a real success, enabling the generation of key outputs which will form an outcome report for the session, and, later on, a part of LeADS deliverable D1.3. The partners involved, BluSpecs, IDC, and BDVA thanked all attendees for their participation and for their valuable input.